The ST2670-MV-Wafer is a lever or gear operated quarter turn wafer pattern butterfl y valve. The valve is designed in accordance to API standard 609, MS-SP67, BS5155, ISO5752.With its resilient seat design, the valve is design to provide perfect shut off pressure of up to 20 bar for valve size DN50 to DN300 and 16 bar for valve size DN350 to DN600. The disc and shaft are connected using a 2 pieces shaft, pinless design. Spherically machined and hand polished, the disc has a self centering feature that ensures geometrial and dimensional stability for bubble tight shut off, low rotating torque and long life cycle. The valve can be easily installed between fl anges with no gasket required. The valve can be manually operated or retrofi tted to many type of pneumatic or electric actuator with its top fl ange dimension in accordance with ISO5211.
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